๐Ÿ‘‘DankiCastle at Polygon

DankiCastle has successfully arrived on the Polygon network

๐Ÿ‘‹DankiCastle comes to a new Blockchain!

๐Ÿ‘‰Now you can choose which Blockchain you prefer to battle and collect NFTs

Made in the same format as DankiCastle on BSC, Game on Polygon is here to increase earning opportunities across our metaverse.

Profits on DankiTokens are still incredible!

They are 130~180% following the same formula as the game on the BSC network and now with the opportunity to spend less on transactions as the gas fee on Polygon is extremely low.

And DankiToken was not left out of this release!

Trade, trade and buy DankiTokens on the Polygon network to buy your NFTs now!

Last updated